Sunday, April 18, 2010

postheadericon Welcome to Westchester Christian Church

During the past several years Westchester has experienced  strong revitalization and rebirth. As a result there are many people in the area who have seen our buildings but are not familiar with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in general and the Westchester Christian Church in particular.
As a point of local history we are the oldest Protestant church in Westchester. While we celebrate that past, we invite you to take part in building a bright future. As you become  acquainted with our denomination and our church, we want to know you as well.
This site was created to help you to know some general reasons people have, over the years, chosen to come to our church. The following pages will give information and direct you to sites with more information that will be helpful to you.
The church buildings are one short block from the heart of the Westchester Village Business district. Wonderful restaurants and shopping opportunities are within easy walking distance. The LAX Airport and the Pacific Ocean are only minutes away.The CHURCH, however, is where the people of God are present and doing the work of the One who sends us. The site is the training site and the launching pad from which we go to fulfill the Great Commission. 
Please visit the following pages to learn  about  the amazing things God is doing in the midst of our multicultural, multiracial, multi-generational faith community. We invite you to join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am, and drop in for bible study at 7:00 pm each Wednesday evening. You will find more information about gathering times on the pages following this one.

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